Week 4 Week beginning 7th May 2024 - Hand hygiene and sun awareness

On the 5th May it was world hand hygiene day, we thought it would be really good to revisit why it is so important to practice good hand washing and help our children to think about why and when we should wash our our hands.

Washing your hands is a great way to stop the spread of germs and during events like covid become a vital way to tackle the spread, we have noticed that sometimes the children are not washing their hands as thoroughly anymore so this was a great topic to really help them remember why we need to wash our hands. There was lots of soapy fun going on throughout the week and i think the activities we prepared helped prompt lots of discussion and questions and many of our children are once again taking their time to wash their hands and understand why they need to.

As the weather is improving and we’ve had some lovely hot sunny spells we also talked about sun awareness and how to keep safe in the sun, we had lots of activities on offer which not only prompted conversation about sun safety but also helped us work on and refine our fine motor skills. The favourite activities seemed to be the ice cream set up and the magic uv bracelets we made, the special uv beads change colour when exposed to the strong sunlight and give the children a visual clue that they need to follow our safe in the sun rules of Hat on, cover our shoulders, wear sun cream and drink lots of water.

Week 5 Week beginning 13th May 2024

🦆🐣New beginnings - Ducklings 🐣🦆

This week at playgroup we have been exploring all things duck related. We are so excited that once again we are able to take part in the duckling hatching program delivered by incredible eggs. On Monday 13th we took delivery of 5 precious duck eggs and the waiting began. ( You can see all about this years hatchlings by visiting the playgroup duckling’s 2024 tab)

Many of the activities we have alongside the hatching program are designed to deepen the children’s knowledge and understanding across all areas of development so we incorporated nursery rhymes, mark making, activities to develop our fine motor skills like using pipettes and weaving and also lots of art and craft projects.

We encourage the children to talk about and describe what they observe happening with the hatchlings to develop their language skills, offering books and resources that help them understand the life cycle of the duck and make sense of what they see. It’s amazing to listen to the rich language and descriptive words the children use and also see how kind and caring they are as they help take care of the ducklings.

Here are some photos of what we got up to this week 🙂🦆🐤


April 2024


June 2024