10th March 2023 - Fun in the snow

What a great snow morning we had today! We made good use of the short snow storm and had great fun throwing snowballs and making footprints in the snow! Once we had all had enough snowy fun we all went back into the warm playhouse for hot chocolate and snack.
Sarah made us an indoor igloo to explore too!

Week beginning 13th March 2023 - British Science week

This week is British science week with the theme for 2023 being connections. After all the turmoil throughout the recent pandemic the connections theme was chosen as it helps us to celebrate being together and exploring and growing with our friends, families and groups.
Here at community playgroup we embraced the working and exploring together with lots of fun and often messy activities….. I think all of us have at some point arrived home with multicoloured fingers as we used lots of vibrant colours this week.
Here is a little of what we got up to from exploring plant growth to chemical reactions and changing the properties of media and materials. We also had a fantastic scavenger hunt at forest school working together to collect lots of fabulous natural resources for our nature treasure strips.
Finally we worked together in our start sporty session with lots of fun games to help us with our listening, throwing and catching skills.
What a busy week! hope you enjoy seeing what we’ve been up to

Week beginning 20th March 2023 - Mathematics

This week at playgroup we have been exploring all things Maths!
We started the week with a cooking activity making rice Crispy treat Lego blocks, we had to weigh, measure and count during this activity and it was lovely to share our treats at home.
We looked at numbers 1-3 in our speedy car paint racing, lots of lovely colourful fun and we made some pretty awesome patterns with the car wheels too!!
We made fabulous natural shapes in our forest school session, finding lots of interesting treasure to cover our shapes and we even found a little ladybird who seemed to like our circle shape!
On Wednesday we did some more cooking and made number biscuits so we could make edible number lines
All of our children are at different stages of their maths journeys so we had lots of different activities on offer to support each child in developing their skills from shape sorting, number tracing, number recognition, reoccurring patterns to sorting and threading!
We also had lots of non maths fun decorating and painting our garden wall, exploring fizzy paint in our STEM activity and also a lovely animal tray
What another busy week we had together!!
Next week we will be exploring all things  Easter  so remember to pop back and see what we get up to!

Week beginning 27th March 2023 - All things Easter

This week at playgroup we have been exploring lots of Easter and spring themed activities. We started the week making some lovely Easter themed pictures using the tinfoil transfer method…. We had lots of fun squirting water too!!
We decorated some cotton wool eggs using our fantastic fine motor skills, squeezing up coloured water to drop onto the cotton wool… there were some very colourful eggs.
We went on several egg hunts searching the garden and playhouse for brightly coloured eggs.
We became sheep hairdressers for the day, perfecting our scissor skills by giving some very overgrown sheep a trim.
We made some funny bunny cups, the bunnies are hiding away until you blow through the straw and they pop out. This is great to help develop the muscles in our mouths we use for talking and they are also a really good at helping us with our calming breaths.
It wouldn’t be Easter without some shredded wheat nests which the children had lots of fun making in our cooking sessions this week.
And of course we did lots of art and craft projects including making some Easter cards for family.
We finished the week off with an Easter snack wearing our beautiful crowns we made at home with our families using our home learning packs
What another busy week! Happy Easter everyone!!!


Feb 2023


Community Playgroup Ducklings