Wishing you a very Happy New Year from everyone at Community Playgroup

Week beginning 8th January 2024

This week we welcomed back our children following the Christmas break and also some new children joining us for the very first time. It was lovely to listen to what the children got up to as they celebrated and spent time with family and friends over the holiday period. Lots of the children were very excited to be back at playgroup and quickly settled in whilst others needed a little more support as they started back. At Community Playgroup we understand that often children find the separation from their parents and carers quite difficult following a break so we ensure that we carefully plan adding lots of activities that support not only their interests but also their social and emotional needs. So this week was a mixture of activities that we know our children enjoy and also ones that encourage our children to talk and express how they are feeling. From thinking about who makes up our families to lots of messy play and everything else in between we had a great week together and are looking forward to the year ahead.

The Great Garden BirdWatch 2024 22nd January 2024

This week at Community playgroup we have been learning all about the birds that we see in our gardens both at home and Playgroup.
In the winter the birds really struggle to find food so we have been thinking about what they can eat and then making different bird feeders to help them.
We’ve also explored lots of other bird related activities which have not only helped us learn about the birds, their habitat and how we can help them, but also that help with our speech and language development, our gross and fine motor development and our listening and understanding skills!
It’s been a very busy week and we’ve had lots of fun…..We hope you enjoy looking at what we’ve been getting up to

Storytelling week in pictures. Week beginning 29th January 2024

This week we have been exploring lots of different stories at playgroup  as we joined in National Storytelling week.
Reading to young children is so Important as it helps them develop many essential skills. When we read to young children it exposes them to new language and helps them build their vocabulary, they learn how to use words and learn about the world around them.
Stories can also help children learn about many other things like their emotions and feelings and can also teach them to be empathetic.
We had great fun exploring some classics and also some stories the staff enjoy too, as you may have seen we also shared videos of staff reading stories so that children could listen to them at home too.
Can you guess which stories we looked at??


February 2024


November 2023